Born London. Studied Social Sciences at Manchester College Oxford and LSE. Worked in the BBC, Social Services and developed own fashion business.
Since starting to write, has won several prizes for short fiction and published two novels.
Writes regularly with a group, enjoys pilates, cinema, frequent phone chats with her sons and planning adventures with her American husband. Lives in Oxfordshire.
New Novel - Three Albert Terrace
(a domestic noir thriller) published by Troubador / Matador 2022
A Murder (then another)
A Love Affair (then another)
Moral dilemmas
Lies, Viewings
and Mme Bovary
Hanna, a small town estate agent, is faced with a dilemma when she tells a lie to help a colleague, claiming to keep an appointment that never took place. When a body is found in the empty property, she has to decide whether to continue to defend her friend, to tell the police all she knows, or to attempt to uncover the truth for herself....
Review : ....a book that will hold you in suspense ... cleverly plotted ... an ideal book for holiday reading ... it will keep you utterly absorbed.
Available as a paperback and e-book. Order from / and all good bookshops.
A Spell in France a psychological thriller published as an e-Book in 2017
What happens when a woman's husband disappears in mysterious circumstances while they are on holiday in the South of France.....
“I believe I lost my husband outside the Church of Miracles. I know he had been there at the time in the gardens, which were dark green and dismal after rain. I was trying to use up the end of a long roll of film and called out to him. He looked back at me and I think he smiled, but when the photographs came back from the developer, he was no longer there. You could just about make out some distant shape, almost a shadow at the end of a long row of cypresses, but it no longer resembled a person....
Available on
I loved this book … gripping and scary. On the first page you feel the need to turn the page and see what happens next. ( Sara Banerji. )
'Excellent sense of space','Intrigue','Atmospheric','hard to put down','great holiday read'
A Spell in France is published by Matador, and available on Kindle, and all other electronic readers...
Short Stories
2021 - I Used To Live Here Once
- Prize winner in the Chipping Norton Literary Festival Short Story Competition (Chiplitfest.com)
'That woman was here again today.'
'Woman ?'
'That one you thought came for donkeys.'
Raymond thought his wife wasn't looking her best tonight. Looked like she could do with a bit of chicken. How about an All You Can Eat for ten pounds tomorrow night was on the tip of his tongue .....
Review: A tense, absorbing and unsettling story, expertly melding the ordinary and the eerie.
(Isobel Dixon, Literary Agent - Blake Friedmann)
WhatWould Trisha Do
First Prize, Deddington Arts Festival
A Tendency to Stick in Wet Weather
George Hummer First Prize for creative writing
Do You Know About Raku?
First Prize for short story - Chipping Norton Times - June 2011
Other Work
Can You Hear Me (A radio play for 2 voices)
Action takes place in a suburban house. Barbara is upstairs in the bedroom. Jack is downstairs in the kitchen. Barbara is talking directly directly to the audience/to herself..............
Long listed for the Kenneth Brannagh new playwrite award in 2014.
Has contributed to Anthologies:
Tales from an Oxford Cafe (pub 2021)
Tales from the Bookshop (Available Blackwell's bookshop -Oxford)
Risky Shorts
Being John Black
It could only happen in Oxford
Has written short sketches, some recorded for hospital radio, and performed in the Oxford Festival Fringe.
Coming Soon
3 Albert Terrace (Working Title)
A psychological thriller. Hanna agrees tell a few white lies to keep her friend and colleague out of trouble, but finds herself faced with moral dilemmas when Adele is later implicated in a crime …..
Currently engaged on a series of linked short stories involving memory, ageing and loss.
(Jervis plans a journey, but finds there is an unexpected outcome ......)
email : msclary2014@yahoo.co.uk